Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) causes persistent fatigue (exhaustion) that affects everyday life and doesn't go away with sleep or rest. CFS is also known as ME, which stands for myalgic encephalomyelitis or SEID (systemic exertion intolerance disease)It's not known exactly what causes CFS and it's estimated around 250,000 people in the UK have CFS.
Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue
Some symptoms of chronic fatigue are: muscular pain, joint pain & severe headaches. Poor short-term memory/concentration, & difficulty organising thoughts or finding the right words. ("brain fog") Sleeping problems, such as insomnia and feeling that sleep isn't refreshing as well as sensitivity or intolerance to light & loud noise. Psychological difficulties, such as depression, irritability and panic attacks
The Fatigue - Basil Essential Oil
The cause can be very different for each person. Sweet basil is a general tonic to the whole body. It is antispasmodic, antiseptic, antiviral, carminative, a nervous system regulator and a decongestant. Martins et al. (1999) reported that basil oil is beneficial for the alleviation of mental fatigue. High Linalol content which is an uplifting component.
Sweet Marjoram helps to stimulate circulation and is antispasmodic due to 50% alcohol content. The 40% terpenes also stimulate and give analgesic properties. Marjoram has an impressive effect for the good on many mental and emotional conditions.
Rosemary has been shown to help with concentration. Some scholars now say that using one drop of the essential oil every day on the wrists will help prevent senility. Mojay refers to it as an excellent tonic for the body's yang energy
Sleeping problems - Ylang Yang Essential Oil
Ylang Ylang is incredibly sedative, it is used to control hyper-activity in children and for insomnia, frigidity & stress. Made up of sesquiterpenes which are balancing and calming. It is renowned for calming the mind, treating nervous depression and expelling feelings of anger & frustration.
Emotions - Chamomile Essential Oil
According to Mojay Chamomile provides calming control and easy acceptance. Chamomile has anti inflammatory properties, comforts the soul and is soothing to the spirit. Chamomile oil helps to relieve build up of tension in the solar plexus.
Massage is one of the most recommended types of alternative therapies to treat the symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. It’s a good option for patients with CFS who are not well enough to exercise because physical manipulations of the skin and muscles help promote good circulation. Teach your clients how to massage their solar plexus points.
Stress & Muscle Pain
In a 50ml bottle blend the following oils into 50ml of Carrier Oil
Very low dilutions of essential oil have a very therapeutic effect on the mind. Stress and emotional problems seem to respond to a low dilution.
A higher percentage of essential oil in a remedy, is more effective for treating physical problems such as a bruise or sprained ankle.
I hope you have enjoyed this blog. We love to hear from you so do give us feedback on the blog and the recipes, and how they have worked for you or your clients. All the products mentioned are available from or you can phone your order through or get advice on 01455 251020. If you are interested in training with us, please call, or email Lizzie on Thank you for reading! Penny Price X
Penny Price
1 Response
Sr. Grace Leask
September 17, 2021
Hello, Penny Price,
Thank you for your Blog. I have moderate ME with many multi-system symptoms. Could you please send me an image of the Solar Plexus Points? Any direction is appreciated.
Sr. Grace Leask
September 17, 2021
Hello, Penny Price,
Thank you for your Blog. I have moderate ME with many multi-system symptoms. Could you please send me an image of the Solar Plexus Points? Any direction is appreciated.
Kind Regards