What Would I Tell My 24-Year-Old Self?

by Penny Price February 13, 2020 10 min read

What Would I Tell My 24-Year-Old Self?

What would I tell my 24-year-old self?
Penny Price

I actually very much enjoyed being 24. It felt as though I was at my best in all sorts of ways; my hair was thick and shiny, my skin was good and I had a lot of friends from work and church. However, if I were to write to myself at 24, looking back there are quite a few bits of advice I would have given myself!

Watch more Doris Day films.

I used to love watching old movies of Bing Crosby, Doris Day, Cary Grant etc. I would now say to my younger self, watch more! There is nothing wrong with a nice afternoon watching a schmaltzy film that makes you feel good. My view of the world now is vastly improved by remembering the warmth of stolen hours immersed in nice stories. There is so much grief and unhappiness in the world that you need to take every bit of comfort you can, it keeps you from being bitter. If I were to recommend something on the aroma-vaporiser for romantic film watching, it would be rose oil. Yum!

Take good care of your skin while it is still fabulous.

Oh, if you had known that one day you would create your own skincare brand what would you have said! I call it Illuminous, because it is designed to brighten and nourish the skin, and I love it. I know you were diligent with your skin, that you never went to bed in make-up, that you never used soap because of your dry skin, and that you always used a moisturiser from the age of 13, when your mum introduced you to her new skincare range! So what can I tell you? You were doing a good job! But hey, everyone gets older and the most important part of your face you can take care of is your neck, so I would say, keep your chin up, don’t wear too many polo neck jumpers, don’t frown, always smile – it does wonders for your skin! So, what could you have done differently with your skincare routine? You could have used a replenishing face and neck oil under your moisture cream – in fact I now use Daytime Plump Neroli Face Oil, which is light and yummy for a young lady (and now an older one!). I make it myself so I know its good. But do you know what? On the whole I am really proud of you for doing all the right things.

Don’t say ‘yes’ to things you don’t want to do.

You were so active in the local church – I still am! But your diary was always full, which isn’t a bad thing, but you needed time to do other things in this letter that work, church, eat and sleep to relax and take time to recharge. If I had already created the Wind Down and Relax bath and shower range, I would have told you to use it! But I do know you always put oils in your bath which is a great way to prepare for a calmer mind. However, that diary was full, and there was no online diary, it was always in your handbag, and FULL. You needed to say no to folk, especially to those things you really didn’t want to do or have time for.

Keep your idealism

You had such a wonderfully happy view of the world. You used to sit and watch clouds, and you loved (and still do) that greatest creation of TREES, looking at them throughout the seasons as they changed. You trusted people, you took them at face value and you did your best to help out where you could. You took advice, you were trusting. Please don’t lose that too soon. Cynicism is the worst thing for a human spirit. Yes of course you need to become more discerning, and a live in the real world, that is part of getting older, but don’t become cynical, bitter or distrusting. These things make you angry with the world and then you have to learn to become accepting again. Use frankincense (I now use it in my Nurture Spirituality blend) to keep you focussed but happy.

Appreciate your Mum and Dad more.

So you think that they interfere? That they are unreasonable? You just wait young lady until you have your own children! As soon as your little bundle is in your arms, you completely understand how much your parents totally love YOU. And it gets even stronger, this understanding, as your children will grow older, you will hear yourself saying things to them that were said to you – in love and to protect you, and to help you grow into a rounded, good person. One day your parents will get old and won’t be able to do all the things they used to do. They will want to stay at home alone at Christmas because the great-grandchildren are too wearing, so make the most of them. Love them, take them out places, treat them with respect, and care for them. Parents are precious and one day you will realise that they are not going to live forever – they get old like everybody else. There is nothing as important, in the whole of existence, than family. Always remember that.

Start an Aromatherapy Company

The best thing I ever did workwise was to be my own boss and start my own company. My only regret is that I waited until my 40s to do it. You were capable, you know you were. Start thinking now about how you would go about it, how you would plan it and then – get on with it! You are going to train in aromatherapy in the next 3 years and it will be the best thing! You will love aromatherapy, the chemistry of essential oils will thrill you and you will find that you have a strange passion that will endure into your 60s at least😊. Working in a profession you love will help you to blossom and grow as a person and will also increase your happiness stakes, especially because your family are all in it with you. As the mind absorbs itself in the sensory experience of aromatherapy, the knots of worldly tension loosen and calm. But you know that because you already love it! And I am glad that you will keep loving it, despite the fact you will miss hairdressing and massage therapy.

Try not to be so crowd shy.

I still don’t like going into a room of people I don’t know! It is silly at my age and I wish I had tackled it at your age. The only way I can cope is to take someone with me. Small talk is just not me, I get bored, twitchy and anxious to get away from it. So did you. You must find a way to get over it. Have courage young lady, you are loved. On the other hand, when we stand in front of a crowd on a platform to teach or lecture, we are fine! Maybe it is because we feel safe and in charge? A very good question!

Read more books.

You loved Agatha Christie and Georgette Heyer – and I still do, in fact I have just finished reading Friday’s Child by Miss Heyer, and those Christie books have been read over and over through the years. I know you like to read sometimes, sitting on your bedroom floor with your back against the radiator! And do you remember Dad telling you off when you were a teenager for reading by torchlight under the bed covers? But you don’t read as much as you did then, and it is good for your soul so read more. I have started to read more now in my 60s in my pathetic attempt to ‘retire’. Gosh I hope I don’t have to write my 62-year-old self a letter from the future to tell me to get on with it or else! Reading broadens your horizons and your mind, and educates you in a way that nothing else can, and you don’t have a Kindle so keep buying those lovely books, don’t stop reading real books, there is nothing like the feel and smell of those wonderful printed words. You may be interested to know you are going to be an author! Yes really! Aromatherapy for Babies and Children, Aromatherapy for Health Professionals, and a whole host of magazine articles and blogs!

Walk more.

You were never brought up with dogs or other animals, but it may surprise you to know that the cat you rescued when you had your 24th birthday (and that mum and dad grew to adore) sparked a love of animals later in life. Over the last 20 years I have been a ‘dog-person’, having started with Jezabelle our little Scotty, to two Black Labradors Dibley and Deacon in recent times. These have given me the excuse to walk more. I know you love driving, but the roads won’t stay that clear for long. Soon there will be so much traffic that driving will cease to be a pleasure, so learn to walk more now while you are still able to go miles. It brings peace to your soul, rest to your mind and joy to your heart, especially for me now as I live in a wooded area so I can look at my beloved trees. I actually think you always loved essential oils from trees! Cedarwood was one of your favourites, and you are about to buy a Sandalwood chest that you will love. Both of these oils are calming, relaxing and mind-clearing, and I am so glad you started using these because I still do.

Take time to respond – be proactive, not reactive.

Ok so I know you wanted everything yesterday, but life is not like that. Although, when I think back, there were no emails, no internet, no computers and in reality life was less instant. A letter took time to get to its destination and be replied to. Cherish that, it won’t be long before you are answering something sent 2 seconds ago! You were impatient, not for letters, but for people to respond to you. When you asked someone to help you, it had to be now. Give people time to be who they are – and may are so much more laid back than you – and appreciate them. Don’t react to situations, just be proactive in the right way and time scale. You will never be able to retire if you are reactive to everything – you won’t have the time!

Don’t try to be important, it doesn’t matter.

Who else cares if you are important or not? Nobody! But you wanted when you were younger to be popular at school, then at work and now at Church. But, do you know what? The best people are those who don’t care about being important, they only care about doing their best. You will go on to find more confidence and courage as you move through life, and you will become your true self, not what you think everyone else thinks you should be. You are a unique individual, you are not like any other human being, so don’t even try to go there. Be yourself and grow into your own skin.

Trust God – He is the answer!

Fear nothing, God is with you. You have always know since you were a child that God is real, and you have always loved him. Keep doing it, because faith brings answers; faith brings trust in others; faith brings joy into your life. Live without faith is deadly and unfulfilling – and did you know that those with faith live on average 5 years longer than those who don’t? That won’t mean anything to you at 24, but when in your 60s you will find it quite important. Are you in trouble? God is the answer. Stop struggling with your feeble human efforts and hand all your troubles and problems over to God who is so much better at turning things to good than you are. Stop struggling, just hand it all over. I am so grateful to you for consolidating my faith when you were 24. Thank you.

Use these:


Specially developed by me, Penny Price, these effective products are available in 10ml bottles of true essential oil blends, most also being available in a carrier oil and/or lotion for easy application. They are perfect for home care use, and all instructions for use are on the labels.

Nurture: Clarity: A relaxing, clearing blend, used to balance head tension. Beneficial for migraine, headaches and hangovers, apathy and confusion, giving a feeling of clarity and well-being. Contains essential oils of Lavandin, cornmint, basil and Roman chamomile.

Nurture: Peace: This popular blend is an invaluable aid to relaxation after a busy or stressful day. It eases feelings of tiredness, leaving you happier and more relaxed. Inhalation of this blend is recommended during panic attacks and massaging with the ready mixed blend in carrier oil around the neck and shoulders can bring instant relief to tension. Mixed with lavender, rosewood, juniper and geranium.

Nurture: Rest: Using this deeply relaxing blend before resting is peaceful for both body and mind, helping to unwind before going to bed. Blended with essential oils of juniper, lavender, palmarosa and geranium.

Nurture: Vitality: An aromatic blend especially formulated to revive, stimulate and invigorate. Beneficial when used in the car to maintain alertness and combat weariness during the day, this energy-giving blend is made of essential oils of lemon, black pepper and eucalyptus (staigeriana).

Nurture: Women: This special blend is formulated with oils noted for their balancing and normalising effects. The combination covers a range of conditions from absence of menstruation (amenorrhoea) and heavy, painful periods (dysmenorrhoea) to PMS and menopausal symptoms, while helping to balance the hormonal system. This balancing blend contains essential oils of Roman chamomile, clary sage, geranium and lavender.

Nurture: Courage: This pure essential oil blend is designed to help increase confidence and courage without aggression and should be inhaled regularly for a spiritually strengthening effect. Contains lavandin, Melissa, cornmint and basil.

Nurture: Joy: A beautiful, uplifting blend to bring joy to the heart and soul. The blend can help to uplift and bring peace if used on a daily basis. Contains rosewood, bergamot, rose absolute and eucalyptus (staigeriana).

Nurture: Love:A carefully chosen blend of essential oils to help bring about a state of forgiveness and benevolence, thereby promoting cordial relationships. The blend can also be used in the bedroom. Contains rosewood, ylang ylang, jasmine and lavandin.

Nurture: Meditation:A spiritual blend of essential oils, chosen for their profound effects on the emotions and spirit to help promote thought and concentration during a relaxed state. Use regularly for good effect. Contains frankincense, rosemary, basil and lavender.

Nurture: Purification:These essential oils have been chosen to help cleans and detoxify the mind, body and spirit to bring newness of thought and being. Used regularly, this blend will help to push out the old and enable new beginnings. Contains cypress, bitter orange, hyssop and sweet marjoram.

Nurture: Spirituality:A blend of essential oils to help create vision, clarity and peace. Used regularly the oils can help bring a state of calm and oneness with the world. Contains frankincense, cedarwood, patchouli and eucalyptus (staigeriana).

Be good.

Always try to be good. This does not mean the ‘good’ that other people want you to be, but the good that you need to be in order to be proud of yourself and know that you have always done your best, and take care, oh, and love yourself because if you don’t love yourself, you cannot love others. Take care young lady.

Penny Price
Penny Price

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