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Penny Price Aromatherapy

Comfrey Carrier Oil


Comfrey Carrier OilLatin Name: Symphytum officinale
Plant Family: Symphytum
Extraction: Filtration & maceration of roots & leaves

Protective and soothing Comfrey is a deep yellow mobile carrier oil derived from the Latin word "confirmare", which means to unite. This tall herbaceous plant is a member of the Boraginaceae family and is macerated in organic sunflower oil to produce a useful healing agent, it is most useful after an operation or injury or in the case of festering wounds such as bed sores and leg ulcers. 

Available in 100ml, 500ml,1000ml and 5000ml

Therapeutic Properties 
  • Muscle sprains & Joint inflammation
  • Bruises
  • Burns
  • Beneficial for the healing of wounds 
Safety Data

Do not ingest
Comfrey Oil Safety Data Sheet