Penny Price Aromatherapy

Jasmine Absolute Essential Oil

Jasmine Absolute Essential Oil

Latin Name: Jasminus grandiflorum
Plant Family:
Solvent extraction of the flowering heads

Jasmine Absolute Essential Oil is a dark orange-brown oil with a sweet, floral, warm, fresh aroma with balsamic undertones.

It is an evergreen shrub or vine that grows up to 10m high with delicate bright green leaves and star-shaped very fragrant white flowers. Native to China, Northern India and West Asia but cultivated in the Mediterranean regions, China and India. The concentrate is produced in Italy, France, Morocco, Egypt, China, Japan and Turkey, the absolute is mainly produced in France. many species are used for medicine and perfumery work.

Pure Essential Oil - Available in 3ml,10ml, 25ml, 50ml & 100ml.

Safety Data 

Jasmine Absolute Essential Oil Safety Data Sheet