Latin Name: Pimenta officinalis
Plant Family: Myrtaceae
Extraction: Distillation of the leaves & fruit
Pimento berry essential oil is also known as Allspice, this beautiful spicy oil is calming, cleansing and circulatory. Pimento berry is stimulating, tonic and bracing.
It is an evergreen tree that reaches about 10 metres. Each fruit contains 2 kidney-shaped green seeds which turn black when ripe. Indigenous to the West Indies and South America it is cultivated in Jamaica widely. Imported berries are distilled in Europe and America. Four other varieties are in Venezuela, Guyana and the West Indies. The essential oil is obtained by steam distilling the leaves and fruit, and oleoresin is also produced from the berries in small quantities.
Pure Essential Oil - Available in 10ml, 25ml, 50ml & 100ml.