Penny Price Aromatherapy

Borage Carrier Oil


Borage Carrier OilLatin Name: Borago officinalis
Plant Family: Boraginaceae
Extraction: Cold-pressed seeds

A golden yellow mobile oil, borage is great for mature skin and dry skin as it contains fatty acids that are said to defer wrinkling. This oil has a high content of gamma-linoleic acid (21%) and is invaluable internally for hormonal imbalance.

Thought to have origins in Syria in the Middle East and is now very much widely grown around the world. Virtues mentioned for this plant by the ancients were the ability to cheer the melancholic, brighten the pessimist and bring comfort. During the Renaissance, it was recommended for bouts of depression.

Available in 100ml, 500ml, 1000ml and 5000ml

Therapeutic Properties
  • Good for mature skin preventing dryness & premature ageing. 

  • Bonded fatty acids help to deter wrinkles.

  • Non-irritant on the skin, useful in cases of eczema & psoriasis.

  • High GLA content for re-establishing & maintaining normal skin function.

  • Can be used for the regeneration of the skin, advising a 5-10% mix of macadamia or sweet almond oil. 

(Len & Shirley Price: Carrier Oils for Aromatherapy & Massage 4th Edition) 

Safety Data

Non-known contra-indications. Non-toxic, non-irritant to the eyes & skin.
Borage Oil Safety Data Sheet