Latin Name: Cannabis Sativa
Plant Family: Cannabinaceae
Extraction:Cold pressing of the seeds
Hemp seed oil does not contain psychoactive substances contained in the plant. The green colour of the oil can be similar to dark olive oil.
Known as true hemp, cannabis is the Greek name for the plant. There are other plants that are given the name hemp: henequen, sisal and bowstring hemp belong to the family Agavaceae. Manila hemp belongs to the Musaceae family, sunn hemp is obtained from Crotalaria Juncea and Leguminosae.
There is often confusion between CBD (Cannabidiol) and Hemp Seed Oil, however, they have totally different chemical make-ups. Hemp seed oil is produced by cold pressing the seeds from the Cannabis Sativa L plant forming a Carrier Oil that is high in antioxidants, omega-3 and -6 fatty acids but contains no CBD. CBD oil is made from the leaves, flowers and stalks of the plant - the only parts of the plant where Cannabidiol is found - and is produced through Co2 Extraction (rather than steam distillation) giving us the essential oil.