Latin Name: Eucalyptus globulus
Plant Family: Myrtaceae
Extraction: Distillation of the leaves & twigs
This Essential Oil is a colourless mobile liquid (yellows on ageing), with a camphoraceous odour and woody-sweet undertone. Eucalyptus Globulus is the most commonly used eucalyptus.
It is a beautiful, tall evergreen tree stretching up to 90 meters high. The young trees have bluish-green oval leaves while the mature tree trees develop long, narrow, yellowish leaves, creamy-white flowers and a smooth, pale grey bark often covered in a white powder. There are over 700 species of which at least 500 produce essential oil. Many have been extracted for experimental purposes. They can be divided into two categories - Medicinal oils and industrial oils both containing different chemical makeups.
Pure Essential Oil - Available in 10ml, 25ml, 50ml & 100ml.